Author: Veon Ngugi
When Misery Needs Company
There is something about colourful matatus plying the 125 Route.
Taking Stock 2.11
Who takes care of you? When your body is a pile of rocks and your soul cannot survive the waves, who do you run to?
I have always known I want to write about my Dad, it is the how that I have struggled with.
Nights Like This…
At five minutes past 11, I fill the kettle with water and turn it on.
Taking Stock 2.10
I don’t know about you, but May was such a trippy month for me.
To Be A Woman | by @NyokabiWainaina
To be a woman is.. To breath quietly,
If you use Thika Road, you have seen them.
Taking Stock 2.09
So, I’ve had what feels like a wind of a month.
Lessons From a 4 Year Old
I have a niece. She just turned four in April.
Becoming | @gufydox
Young, I have lived this life with half smiles full frowns and numb fingers. I have imagined dragons and flown on backs Of fairies every time I put tooth under pillow. Those nights were full of colour Makes me want to be child again. To run around naked, Tempting the cold weather to send flu […]