Becoming | @gufydox
Young, I have lived this life with half smiles full frowns and numb fingers. I have imagined dragons and flown on backs Of fairies every time I put tooth under pillow. Those nights were full of colour Makes me want to be child again. To run around naked, Tempting the cold weather to send flu […]
Lamborghini On Ice
There is this tunnel on Thika Road, the one that vomits into Pangani, right outside Guru Nanak Hospital and Forest Road. I love it.
Taking Stock 2.08
Feeling a bit out of it today, so we’ll make this snappy.
Too Much, Too Fast | @keedjo
It’s either love out loud, or cold shoulders from me It’s a bear hug or a handshake It’s my tongue down your throat or a half-ass look in your direction It’s too much- for me I want you, a little but in a big way I want to steal your soul by kissing you all […]
Say a little prayer…
I have prayed in vacant rooms that were filled with benches.
Taking Stock 2.07
I recently sat through a panel discussion on Benga music, thanks to the ongoing #JaladaFestival, and my mind was totally blown away.
What Will You Do? | By @NyokabiWainaina
When you are too scared to breathe,
What does peace feel like?
I can’t swim. I float, with great effort. With great concentration.
Riot In My Brain
I have seen God in places holy people shouldn’t frequent.
Taking Stock 2.06
Sunday mornings have always felt, idk..out of it?
Got any book recommendations?