Author: Veon Ngugi
We’re Here Now
For a while, I have felt like I couldn’t breathe. I mean, I could breathe but you know, it felt so arduous and I just wanted a break but there hasn’t been time for a break and if I am being honest, I am not sure I would have known how to take one. So, […]
The Sunrise Hangout
It’s 6.23am on a public holiday. I am riding on the back of a nduthi, cruising up Haile Selassie Avenue.
Sunday Morning At The Park
There’s something about Sunday mornings; they’re are calm and slow
Jacaranda Blooms
Do you ever think about it?
Taking Stock 2.14
October is a monumental month for me.
Lost In Lamu
The streets of Nairobi and the streets of Lamu are as different as can be and yet on that Sunday mid morning, I found a likeness in the two.
Taking Stock 2.13
Hey, How are you? Eating your veggies?
Going Bald
I cut my hair about two months ago.
Taking Stock 2.12
There are two kinds of neighbours that no one should have the misfortune of having.