Taking Stock 2.19


The first quarter of the year is gone and to be honest, I don’t know how I feel about that yet. So much happened in it, so much good, some ugly and some downright crazy and no, I am not about to say we live and we learn (even though we do).  Currently 7 books down, 5 books behind but who’s counting? Let’s take stock of March….

Making: use of time in traffic by writing this. If I am done fast enough, I might get started on a piece on exploring Ngare Ndare.

Cooking: …so I am really craving homemade chapos but cooking chapos for one doesn’t make sense so that craving will have to wait till I find my way home.

Drinking; tea, coffee, water and the occasional can of monster.

Eating; biscuits like I am getting paid to.

Reading: rereading The Good Things Around Us. It was my first book this year and I felt like I let all the good writers in there intimidate me, so I am going back and maybe this time, I’ll leave it thinking ‘You can write like that someday.’ Really loving some of the stories I skipped during the first read.

Wearing: today. Ermmm nothing cute to be honest; a pair of dungarees underneath a cozy, mustard hoodie that I stole from a friend and a pair of Northstars from Bata.

Wishing; idk… I am not really one for wishes.

Wanting: for this little piece of the internet that belongs to me, to turn into so much. So much more.

Playing; random playlists on Apple Music. That and Chillhop on YouTube.

Praying; more openly – sometimes.

Listening; to more stuff on SoundCloud. It’s not my favourite platform but it serves great Kenyan gems…

Watching; The Affair on Netflix and for half a minute my mind was a bit messed up with the two POVs… to be honest, I still am but I’ve only watched one and a half episodes so there might still be hope for me.

Loving; Ermmmm I am tempted to say nothing but I bet there are things that move my soul in ways that can be described as love even though I lack the words to do the describing myself.

Enjoying; my body clock. A weird thing to enjoy, I know, but when I find myself wondering ‘What’s up?’ At 6.12am, I think it’s a marvelous thing, especially since I am not a hardcore a morning person.

Needing; to spend some time at the beach. Because we all need some balmy sun in our lives.
If I can go back to Lamu for my birthday, that would be FAB!

Smelling; kashata. Currently nibbling on some. (This need to be at the coast is manifesting itself in so many ways!)

Following; very few things because I enjoy them, a lot feels like duty and that’s not necessarily a great thing.

Knowing; I could use a haircut and proper bleaching services for my hair. (I did get that cut.)

Learning; to hold myself accountable. (Not necessarily the most enjoyable of things.)

Appreciating; kindness.

(Lord, sometimes these words sound so similar)

Feeling; tired and jittery.

Love & Potatoes




Photos courtesy of Emmanuel Clench. 






8 responses to “Taking Stock 2.19”

  1. Issa Avatar

    Nice piece as always. Your writing is becoming something special!

    1. Veon Ngugi Avatar
      Veon Ngugi

      Thank you Issa, that’s really kind.

  2. Natalie Sifuma Avatar

    You will LOVE the affair, at least season 1 and 2 – by three the writers seemed to be in and out of their own heads and the thing was somewhere between okay and mathogothanio. It does however show an ugly side of adulthood in the marriage segment. Enjoy!

    1. Veon Ngugi Avatar
      Veon Ngugi

      I’ve only made it to like episode four, I’ll blame it on unreliable internet… I think I’ll push it forward or postpone…

  3. Carol Avatar

    I like this @Veon…go girl

    1. Veon Ngugi Avatar
      Veon Ngugi

      Thank you Carol

  4. Ivy Musa Avatar
    Ivy Musa

    OOh ngare ndare, can’t wait for the post

    7 books? How do you manage, I keep setting targets I hardly get to..

    1. Veon Ngugi Avatar
      Veon Ngugi

      I was hoping i’d have shared it by now, but soon, I promise.

      The books… I the goal is usually a book each week (I am failing at this), I read during the morning commute to work and for twenty minutes over lunch if the day allows it.

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