Cravings | by @keedjo

I crave…
A soft unwavering warmth

Like the one you leave in bed when you have to wake up at 5 in the cold morning.
The same one that pulls on your leg when your backup alarm rings and for a few moments wonder if it’s all worth it.

But this warmth, I want it to come from your heart… With the hugs you give me… Demanded for or otherwise. With the words you say when we’re laying side by side, looking up at the ceiling, itching to curve into each other.

I crave heat
Between my legs

Like I’ve come from a run, the kind that starts off as punishment for the all the cupcakes… But finishes off as the release you never knew you needed.

Yes, heat between my legs
When you keep touching me like that
When I don’t care how I should introduce you to my friends, if I should.
When we walk in awkward silence floating above the bubbling excitement after sharing too much information about our younger selves over a beer.

I’m craving you.
The you that stays up late watching that series you’re not even sure you like.
The you that doesn’t get mad when I don’t message you back right away… annoying but you know I don’t mean to keep you waiting.
The unbearably sexy you that I once thought were out of my league.

I’m craving you.


@keedjo (Rachael) is an aspiring minimalist who loves to laugh and make stimulating (read stupid) conversation. The average day will find her obsessing over some shade of lipstick or piece of African literature. Read more from Rae here





6 responses to “Cravings | by @keedjo”

  1. Quest Avatar

    Goodness. I. Need. To. Breath.

    1. Keedjo Avatar

      Do it with me: In and out… In and out

  2. Bruno Avatar

    Out of your league….hehehe

  3. charlaw sheriff Avatar
    charlaw sheriff


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