Fifty nine weeks later, Oprah is now 64 and January is finally coming to an end! Do I hear an amen? It’s impossible to take stock of close to sixty weeks, but let’s try anyway….
Making a point of being more consistent with my gratitude jar this year, so much so, I think I’ll be needing a bigger one in a couple months.
Cooking so much stir fry, if I had a roommate, I’m sure they’d hate me for it. Like I think I currently live on experimental stir fry, when I am not eating out. I prefer to use spiral pasta in the place of noodles for reasons that can only be blamed on my kiuk genes. Oh and spinach! Isn’t spinach the best vegetable ever? Don’t answer that, I am sure you agree.
Drinking so much water! Okay, maybe not so much; I am currently averaging at a liter a day which feels like a lot considering how much I slacked over the holidays.

Eating so much fruit (read mangoes) that I have successfully convinced myself that I am the mother of health.
Reading Blackass by A. Igoni Barrett for like the third week in a row. I need help. Thought it’s probably book karma getting back at me for reading Homegoing in a record 2 and a half days.
Wearing today? A tshirt I stole from @MissKadzitu’s closet, tights, socks and crocs. Hello comfort.
Wishing for a tonne of travel this year! Like a whole lot. A bit of luxury and a tonne of backpacking.
Wanting to take decent photos. I got a Canon Ixus as a birthday present from one of my friends and i knew what I wanted to do with it then. The vision has since shifted though the new one really scares me, a lot.
Playing with make up a lot these days. My contouring skills are non existent (as is my contour kit) and I need a good low key but not too lowkey highlight. Let’s hope when I get the latter, I won’t be highlighting my collarbones and stuff. okay, maybe just once, for kicks?
Listening to The Score by The Fugees. Best album ever, right? Beach House 3 is decent too (now that I am actually listening to it away from the Jameson Connect hype.) I finally updated my iOS today ( it took me forever, I know.) let’s see what music I’ll re-download and what’s definitely getting left behind.
Watching a tonne of cop shows; I am too lazy to download my own stuff so my brother’s downloads are being put to work. I also need to catch up on Greys but I cannot remember where I left off neither am I particularly looking forward to the waterworks that accompany that particular Shonda Project.
Loving… ermmm. Can we get back to this shortly? ION but not really ION, I read this article on love being a choice, I wish I could trace the link for you (I haven’t used my Pocket in ages) but I can’t, sadly. Anyway, the gist of it was that love isn’t magic, you can make it work with just about anybody but you choose the kinda people you want to love, you decide when and when the excitement of ‘love’ plateaus, you decide to stay.
When you think about it, it’s not just about love… it applies to so many things.

Thinking of the weekend. Africa Nouveau or a trip out of town or a BBQ plan. Decisions. Decisions. Staying home and napping the weekend away sounds even better; old age. I’ll probably sample one restaurant for #NRW2018 before then though. For the first time in 5 years, I’m actually psyched about Nairobi Restaurant Week.
Dreaming of travel. I feel like I already mentioned this.
Enjoying my swimming lessons. I can now float and do a bunch of the strokes… like three. My endurance is terrible though and I have to pause those classes now because adulting…
Needing clarity on my strengths. I can currently drop an album on my weaknesses and that isn’t necessarily cute.
Smelling of sunscreen. I had the worst sunburns ever a fortnight ago. Like the absolute worst, it’s finally healed (and left me with two different skin tones|complexions) anyway, I now walk around with 36 layers of sunscreen lathered on and can’t seem to get rid of the smell.

Following hashtags on Instagram. I remember swearing (to myself) that I’d never do this but here I am. My fave is #HeadOverMeals for this reason. P.s just discovered these guys they’re a South African couple that quit their jobs (in advertising) sold almost everything and used that cash to travel the world; this story is becoming rather common. Age of the hippie?
Knowing that I know nothing, Plato aside, quite literally.
Appreciating networks.
Understanding that no one owes me nothing but opportunity. Coming to this realization took longer than it should have, but we’re here now.
Feeling excited and scared, in equal measure. February, show me what you’ve got.
Images courtesy of @Roatripguruke at the #NRW2018 launch.
Love & Potatoes,
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